
TradeStars is a Fantasy Sports platform powered by the blockchain technology. It’s a decentralized social gaming experience in which people can express their passion for sports, compete against each other, and show “How much your sports knowledge is worth”. Sports are one of the driving forces of the global economy (+90 USD billion in 2017). People spend hours, every day, consuming sports through TV, online media, live matches and even travel to see sports' events! TradeStars provides users a new way to use their sports knowledge for their own joy and benefit. We envision a massive opportunity to gather sports fans, gamers and sports bettors in a revolutionary platform where they can not only socially interact but also compete against each other in a transparent and decentralized way. Built on the blockchain, TradeStars' platform is not controlled by an individual organization. There is no single agent with the power to modify the rules of the software, the economics of the assets, or prevent others from accessing the platform. Each digital asset is permanently owned by the community and lies in a blockchain-based digital registry, giving the owner full control over it.

Game tokens:


Price change
1h 0.00 %
24h 0.00 %
7d 0.00 %
14d 0.00 %
30d 0.00 %
All Time High
Price $0.00
Loss 0.00 %
Date Jan 01, 1970
Market Cap
Current $
Total $
All Time Low
Token Supply

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TradeStars Watch & Stream to Earn

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TradeStars Scholarship & Item Stake

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TradeStars Cross Games Trade

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