Idle Treasure Party

welcome in the worlds of idle treasure party. In the world of Idle Treasure Party (ITP), players take charge of a crew of Misfits that they send to work in a mine that contains precious ore. Every day, the party members get up early to go into the mines and gather as much ore as they can throughout the day. Get your best team together and go to the mines, where they may be rewarded for their efforts. Misfits are the outcasts from society, they differ from each other in many ways, but, they do have one thing in common…they all want to GET FILTHY RICH! An eccentric billionaire has discovered the location of the last object that will complete his collection of priceless treasures. Within the vast network of catacombs, the object is hidden. The Misfits, having discovered this, now race to recover it for themselves. But, the billionaire will not make it easy, he has sent his own league of henchmen to stop them. They may think its a treasure party, but, it’s every Misfit for themselves. Will you be the first to discover the hidden treasures within the catacombs? Choose your party of Misfits and start mining! Vast treasure awaits!

Game tokens:

IdleTreasureParty (DTEVIL)

Price change
1h 0.00 %
24h 0.00 %
7d 0.00 %
14d 0.00 %
30d 0.00 %
1y -19.23 %
All -19.23 %
All Time High
Price $0.03
Loss -99.71 %
Date Nov 03, 2022
Market Cap
Current $ 0
Total $ 7,526
All Time Low
Price $0.00
Profit 4.61 %
Date Mar 10, 2023
Token Supply
Current 0
Total 100,000,000

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