
FootEarn is the very first real-time 3D football game e-sport based on blockchain. FootEarn has engaging and accessible gameplay that attracts gamers of all ages, genders, and countries. Moreover, with Multiplayer mode, users can compete directly with each other in tournaments and receive prizes. This is an outstanding feature of FootEarn compared to other GameFi projects. Therefore, at FootEarn, we combine the advantages of traditional online games and gameFi. Users will be entertained, participate in fiery matches when playing FootEarn, and play not only for financial factors like regular gameFi. One of the key points from footearn is Each user who joins FootEarn will have a free team, and they can join the game right away without having to pay a fee and earn also. We want to focus on the game experience before talking about the earning features. We want users to stick with the game because the gameplay first, the game must be fun first, and the earning features will be mentioned later. These factors are important for users to stay with the game, and use the resources in the game. And then, we mention the game-earning feature. Free to play and Play to Earn. Play first, then Earn. We are proud to have launched the world's first esport football game on the blockchain, with good gameplay because our team has a lot of experience in developing from traditional games. The potential price increase is huge, while the capacity of decreasing price is very low The special thing about FootEarn is that the calculation system will build a plan to protect the parent Token against maximum price slippage.

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FootEarn ROI Calculator

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FootEarn Watch & Stream to Earn

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FootEarn Scholarship & Item Stake

This tool is exclusively available to Dwellers
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FootEarn Cross Games Trade

This tool is exclusively available to Dwellers
Visit our Dwellers Collection Page to find out more.

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