
Cryptosnake revives the iconic concept of the classic game "Snake" based on modern blockchain technologies. Also, the Cryptosnake project is the first play-to-earn game on the BEP-1155 Binance Smart Chain standard. The blockchain game allows you to receive both passive income by staking and farming, and active income by playing arena. Project management rights are distributed among DAO token holders. DAO holders can manage the game through a dedicated voting platform. The character's life begins with an egg. To receive a snake, you need to send the minimum specified number of SNK tokens for staking. An adult snake can only be bought from another player in the secondary NFT market. Eggs of different snakes have different ripening periods (from 1 to 14 days) and different abilities, including increased annual profitability and an increased profitability ratio in the game arena.The amount of time spent in the arena and the number of game sessions for each character also differ. These parameters are not constant and will be adjusted by the Cryptosnake team according to the accumulated statistics to achieve the perfect balance of the game. The lifespan of snakes is not limited in time. The snake will live until a player themself breaks it or until the balance of the snake falls below the critical minimum as a result of frequent collisions in the arena. However, the player can feed the snake, and thereby replenish the balance in order to prevent the balance from falling below the acceptable level. One player can simultaneously raise any number of characters (snakes) and play them alternately.

Game tokens:

CryptoSnake (SNK)

Price change
1h 0.00 %
24h 0.08 %
7d -10.72 %
14d -19.86 %
30d -14.34 %
1y -10.28 %
All -10.28 %
All Time High
Price $0.55
Loss -99.95 %
Date Nov 30, 2021
Market Cap
Current $ 0
Total $ 2,648,329
All Time Low
Price $0.00
Profit 197.51 %
Date Nov 14, 2022
Token Supply
Current 0
Total 280,097,600

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